This program is try to do something that I have no idea to detect if it is even distantly correct. I was able to find a peculiar dataset called X-Ray Defraction Imageset thanks to Czyzewski et. al. The imageset was downloaded for traning the dataset from the link available here. I love to try out something new as a hobby and see how it works out to be.

Czyzewski, Adam, Krawiec, Faustyna, Brzezinski, Dariusz, & Porebski, Przemyslaw J. (2019). RefleX: X-ray diffraction images dataset (Version 1.0.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.

X-Ray Defraction Imageset from here

Tracking Experiments

Now we are going to explore options on how to get our accuracy high enough. We have various tools that track the experiments that were done. Having such things help us to understand what hyper parameters to choose and get intutions on what experiments to try.

We are going to use WandB which is one amoung the top tools used.

I may use this for klogging my experiments. However, Since the one that gave the best result is shown below, its trivial if you use WandB and WandBCallback.

import os
os.environ['WANDB_BASE_URL'] = 'http://localhost:8080'
from fastai2.callback.wandb import wandb,WandbCallback

Extract Data

If you havent extracted the zip file, the first step might be to extract it. The extraction can be manual or can be done using Python

Setup the notebook

The first step might be to setup the notebook and set path correctly. This will remove all possible hindrences on later.

Lets just import the required libraries from fastai2. As it is a vision task we shall try importing

Also the file that maps the labels to the images is a CSV. we know pandas is good at tabular data and is the most convinent way to handle CSV data. So, we include that as well

from import *
from import *
import pandas as pd 

We create path variable to be pointing to the location wherever it is downloaded

Path.BASE_PATH = path

Path from pathlib by itself doesn't have a convenience function to list all child files/folders. we may have to actually do list(path.iterdir()) to get that. Fast-AI however has made a convenient function .ls() that gets overloaded as we import the library
(#3) [Path('images'),Path('labels.csv'),Path('')]

Here we see that the images are available in the images folder and the label-image mapping is done in labels.csv. The original downloaded zip file is the other file that is available. However it is never used in this program


I have no idea how the data is in the CSV or image. Lets just load the data and have a look at it

image loop_scattering background_ring strong_background diffuse_scattering artifact ice_ring non_uniform_detector
0 152803_2_0001 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 81258_1_E1_001 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
2 HMCb11_AY6-7_00001 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
3 195706_1_E2_00001 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
4 nui1-10_1_001 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6306 wjm1-6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
6307 xtal-C7-eg.0001 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
6308 AR1_IF0130_screen_0001 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
6309 215574f10_x0001 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
6310 63667_1_E2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

6311 rows × 8 columns

Now we see that the CSV has image as the first column and columns that representing the label as list of columns each reflecting 1 or 0 as in True or False.

There are totally 6311 samples. We also see that the number of columns available are 8. 1 input (Image file name) and the 7 probable classes.

Data Munching

All the label columns are having values as 0 or 1. This is one of the ways to directly feed this as on-hot encoded vector to the model. But we may have inconvinence in interpreting 0 and 1 and mapping columns.

If we let fastai2 do the one-hot-encoding, we may have some extra convience in interpreting the model output. So I prefer to have the labels as the actual string with comma seperation between those columns. I do that in the following steps.

  • Get all label columns
  • For each row, if the label is marked as present (i.e) value is 1, then add that to the string
  • Add a new column labels with the label names of the ones that just exist
def get_labels(row):
    return ', '.join([col for col in y_cols if row[col]==1])

We have made up a new column labels which lists the labels for that image. Lets see if we got it right

image loop_scattering background_ring strong_background diffuse_scattering artifact ice_ring non_uniform_detector labels
0 152803_2_0001 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 loop_scattering, strong_background
1 81258_1_E1_001 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 loop_scattering, background_ring, strong_background
2 HMCb11_AY6-7_00001 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 background_ring, strong_background, artifact
3 195706_1_E2_00001 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 artifact, ice_ring
4 nui1-10_1_001 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 loop_scattering, background_ring, strong_background
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6306 wjm1-6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 background_ring
6307 xtal-C7-eg.0001 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 non_uniform_detector
6308 AR1_IF0130_screen_0001 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 strong_background, artifact, non_uniform_detector
6309 215574f10_x0001 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 loop_scattering, background_ring, strong_background
6310 63667_1_E2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 loop_scattering, ice_ring

6311 rows × 9 columns

There are 6311 rows. which means there should be atleast 6311 images in the file


We have one more than required. Lets see if we have any non .png file or folders

Path(path/"images").ls().filter(lambda x: x.suffix!='.png')
(#1) [Path('images/models')]

Ok. There seems to be an empty models folder present in images folder.

Ok. Now lets look at random image

from random import randint
total_count=len(Path(path/"images").ls())-1 # Discount the models folder
index= randint(0,total_count)
image_paths=Path(path/"images").ls().filter(lambda x: x.suffix=='.png')
im =

Rerunning the above cell provides enough samples to get an idea of the dataset. Seems the dataset is grey scale

Preparing the data

We need DataLoaders to point out the list of transformations that are to be done to the data for preparing for training. Luckily, we have ImageDataLoaders.from_df method to get an handy function for generating the dataloader. But it doesnt have provision to provide a uni channel Image. So we do some edit of the same method.

There are couple of things to note on the decision of parameters:

  • First parameter is the dataframe itself -label_col is the column which has the list of labels
  • path must specify the path where the images are stored
  • suff is the suffix that must be added to all the filenames. In short the file extensions
  • label_delim specifies the delimiter that segregates two labels apart (in the label_col)
  • item_tfms specifies the item level transformations that must be done. Here we are just doing resizing of original image to 224*224 image size.

    The idea of using Squish to resize was because I am guessing cropping might remove some of the features. Especially after looking at some label names like loop_scattering , non-uniform_detector or strong_background. loop_scattering is fairly obvious there seems to be some disturbance in the rings which is that that obvious in the inner rings. cropping might not be that useful.

Note:The Default augmentations are not added on purpose as brighness, contrast can affect the strong_background feature

def generate_dataloaders( df, path='.', valid_pct=0.2, seed=None, fn_col=0, folder=None, suff='', label_col=1, label_delim=None,
            y_block=None,x_block=None, valid_col=None, item_tfms=None, batch_tfms=None, **kwargs):
    "Create from `df` using `fn_col` and `label_col`"
    pref = f'{Path(path) if folder is None else Path(path)/folder}{os.path.sep}'
    if y_block is None:
        is_multi = (is_listy(label_col) and len(label_col) > 1) or label_delim is not None
        y_block = MultiCategoryBlock if is_multi else CategoryBlock
    if x_block is None:
    splitter = RandomSplitter(valid_pct, seed=seed) if valid_col is None else ColSplitter(valid_col)
    dblock = DataBlock(blocks=(x_block, y_block),
                       get_x=ColReader(fn_col, pref=pref, suff=suff),
                       get_y=ColReader(label_col, label_delim=label_delim),
    return DataLoaders.from_dblock(dblock, df, path=path, **kwargs)

We now create the dataloader with this data frame:

  • x_block might be the black and white monochrome image.
  • path specifies the location of images
  • label_col specifies the column where the dependent variable is available.
  • label_delim soecies the delimiter that splits the labels available in label_col
  • suff adds the suffix to the image.
  • item_tfms specifies the transformation to be done at item level. Here we resize to a 48*48 image by squishing so that the entire image is given
  • bs specifies the batch_size to be used
dataloaders=generate_dataloaders(labels_df,x_block=ImageBlock(PILImageBW),label_col='labels',path=path/'images',suff='.png',label_delim=', ',item_tfms=Resize(48,ResizeMethod.Squish),bs=128)

Lets get a batch of data and see if we have a have the shape of input as we expect.

torch.Size([128, 1, 48, 48])

The default bs being 128, images having 1 channels after resizing the image to 48*48 the shape seem reasonable

Let's see some random image out of it and see if we have everything right



Now we use a pretrained Resnet18 and use the train for this perticular dataset

Note: We are using the pretrained Resnet18 via Transfer Learning, which basically means that we are using a model that is already trained for doing good at something else (which is to predict classes in ImageNet here) to do our task. This reduces the traning time.
learn = cnn_learner(dataloaders, resnet18, metrics=partial(accuracy_multi, thresh=0.5), cbs=WandbCallback())

lr_find is an useful functionality that is useful in finding optimal learning rqate for training. It outputs the graph and the two values onw which specifies the lr where the loss was at its least and other one at the steepest slope. The steepest slope is the interest for us for most of the cases

SuggestedLRs(lr_min=0.014454397559165954, lr_steep=0.03981071710586548)

fine_tune tunes the newly introduced layer for one epoch and unfreeses the previous layers for training for the later epochs. We would see two tables representing its loss and other metrics for the same reason

learn.fine_tune(10, 4e-2)
wandb: Wandb version 0.8.34 is available!  To upgrade, please run:
wandb:  $ pip install wandb --upgrade
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_multi time
0 0.495263 0.373240 0.831220 00:22
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_multi time
0 0.349745 0.311832 0.872538 00:23
1 0.338403 0.339598 0.850351 00:24
2 0.339028 0.308806 0.875481 00:23
3 0.318818 0.334795 0.861444 00:23
4 0.294721 0.269664 0.890424 00:22
5 0.254378 0.249635 0.901064 00:23
6 0.220228 0.236530 0.910233 00:23
7 0.177766 0.221808 0.916459 00:22
8 0.150120 0.213772 0.923251 00:22
9 0.131988 0.215067 0.923817 00:23

So, I tried running through various experiments. The code below helps in loading the previous saved model. I save models which have better accuracies and use it as a starting point for going further.


For this experiment I didnt change architecture much. I tried changing the image size and batch_size and learning_rate. Choosing the learning rate after initial training is little hard. Thanks to W&B I could see the learning rate for various epochs. I chose the lr which had the slopiest accuracy improvement at the end of the training and updated it

wandb: Wandb version 0.8.34 is available!  To upgrade, please run:
wandb:  $ pip install wandb --upgrade
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy_multi time
0 0.047517 0.220021 0.932194 00:22
1 0.048205 0.219809 0.931515 00:22
2 0.047783 0.223721 0.931062 00:22
3 0.047295 0.223825 0.929477 00:22
4 0.045167 0.222147 0.930383 00:22
5 0.043862 0.222521 0.931288 00:22
6 0.045675 0.222911 0.928911 00:22
7 0.044050 0.223413 0.929364 00:22
8 0.046282 0.224207 0.930722 00:23
9 0.045452 0.220096 0.930156 00:23

We would have to save the model for later inference'.h5')'.h5')


Of some of the experiments we did, we saw the results as follows:

Run name Image Size Performance Batch Size
Basic Resnet 18 224 0.941193 Default
Basic Resnet 18 - 48 (256) 48 0.926874 256
Basic Resnet 18 - 48 (128) 48 0.938307 128
Basic Resnet 18 - 48 (64) 48 0.936382 64
Basic Resnet 18- 48 (32) 48 0.931741 32

Which Model to choose:

Of some of the various experiments trained, we didnt include any of them when them were we used 3 channels as input simply because it gave the same result but occupying more weights for model anf might have slightly more time to train for infer.

Note: One of the decision to take is between Run 1 and Run 3.

Run 1 has around 0.3% more accuracy than Run 3 but it uses bigger image. This means:

  • Model of Run 1 is bigger than Run 3
  • Run 1 might take more time to train or infer than Run 3
    Tip: If the usecase allows a slightly accurate model always prefer the smaller model


X-Ray images are less popular. So I am choosing a image from the validation set to check how it is predicting. To do so, first lets look at validation image.

image labels
3762 49967_1_E2_001 background_ring, diffuse_scattering
4146 9172_1_E1_001 loop_scattering, background_ring, non_uniform_detector
6190 ATPM1E10gly-peak.0001 background_ring, non_uniform_detector
1845 15533_1_E2_001 loop_scattering, strong_background
4903 r9_3.0001 background_ring
... ... ...
2584 120919_1_E1_001 loop_scattering, strong_background
2800 93400_1_E2_001 loop_scattering, background_ring, non_uniform_detector
1869 64132_2 background_ring, diffuse_scattering
2555 K16_ok2
5205 foj9-16_4 loop_scattering, background_ring, ice_ring

1262 rows × 2 columns

I am choosing the second one as a random image to test

((#3) ['background_ring','loop_scattering','non_uniform_detector'],
 tensor([False,  True, False, False,  True,  True, False]),
 tensor([6.4019e-03, 9.9865e-01, 3.6687e-02, 7.4511e-06, 9.9855e-01, 9.6328e-01,

Here it provides the Predicted labels, The One Hot Encoding values infered and the actual tensor values of the model.

We also see that this label prediction is indeed correct


The Idea of this blog is to go through a simple Multi-Label Image Classifer. Though there are lots of other options that could have experimented with, since the dataset was relatively simple, we leave them here.

We can try a different dataset which demands more accuracy in a different blog post

Kindly let know your comments on the same